Baby Yoda Blender Render

Blogs Jan 1, 2020

Written Jan 1 2020

Happy New Years! Can’t wait for 2020! 2020 is a year that I think everyone has been looking forward to.

I spent my winter break primarily working on my torrent/media server and enjoying my vacation. I think I’ve gotten my server to a place where it can fetch and dispense media to my liking— more importantly, my parent’s liking.

Baby Yoda is SOOOO cute. I literally cannot. I was browsing through instagram and saw that @beeple_crap had posted a model of baby yoda that was fully textured and rigged.

I have used blender in the past, but I am by no means an expert at the software. I decided as a good way to produce a result and learn was to use the Baby Yoda model and make it look cool.

I spent a few hours playing around with the model, seeing the limitations and trying to get Baby Yoda into a position that I found interesting. After that, I found a generic scene. This was a scene of an abandoned house. I created a render of this, but found the results underwhelming. With my new(ish) computer already coughing and puffing, I decided to crank the background to 11.

I didn’t end up liking this background. It made it seem as if Baby Yoda just murdered someone or something, idk.

I found this really cool space themed background. It has a cool vibe to it. It also goes with the Star Wars theme. I spent a while adding and removing assets from the template. After I played around with moving Baby Yoda and trying a hundred different things, I finally got the result that I wanted.

Here is it rendering!

After I got the final render, I cleaned it up in Photoshop and really got Baby Yoda to shine.

Here is ~30 hours of efforts and a render with 1000 passes:


Vedansh Goenka

Hi! I'm Vedansh Goenka. I'm a Maker, Photographer, and Entrepreneur. Welcome to my Personal Blog! I love to post projects, images, and cool experiences I've had.

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